Thursday, December 29, 2005

The $7 Cane Toad trap

Finally, an affordable toad trap. Go out and purchase what is called in Australia an "Opera House style Yabby net" (They fold flat). The one pictured cost about $7 from my local tackle shop. Bait with cat biscuits, or fresh meat and check in the morning. As you can see, I've modified the trap slightly by tying the top of the entrance hoop to the top of the net using a twist tie to reduce the escape ability of the toads. It catches only one toad at a time, so it's not very efficient, but perfect for the back yard. Remove the toad caught each morning and freeze. I use a plastic bag inside out on my hand, and then triple bag the toad before placing in my freezer. After freezing, I then add them to my compost bin. Happy Toadbusting! Anna Hitchcock